Friday, November 6, 2009

Bonded tooth is yellow, when do you normally get it rematched?

okay so i have a tooth that was bonded 3 or 4 years ago. I broke off like half of my tooth so i had to get it bonded. The problem i'm having now is that it's getting very yellow. In pictures its quite embarassing because you can clearly tell that i have ONE extremely yellow tooth and the rest are normal. Is there a certain peroid of time you should get the tooth rebonded? Like after 2 years, 3, years, 5, years 10 years? My parents won't take me to get it to match my other teeth again because they think its too expensive. Anyone have an estimate of how much it would be? Its just one tooth.

Bonded tooth is yellow, when do you normally get it rematched?
Bonding is a resin material that is in the plastic family and it doesn't last forever. It depends on the person how long the bonding should be replaced, but if your noticing that the bonding is yellow, it is time because it means that the material is breaking down and picking up stain. When it gets saturated it starts to break down. Tell your parents this, because it can also mean that the restoration is compromised and will be prone to break. The cost varies as to the area you live and the size of the the bonding. Could range between $100-300 but if you have dental insurance, it should cover about 80%. Another great option is to have a veneer done. It is more expensive that bonding, but lasts much longer (15-20 years depending on you) and it is made of porcelain so it won't pick up stain. It is like a fake finger nail and it is bonded onto the front portion of your tooth.

Either way, sounds like it is time to have that tooth fixed. You don't want it to break down and you get a cavity in the supporting tooth structure.


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