Friday, November 6, 2009

Prosperity Automated System vs. Rubbing a Lamp for successes? Here is a quick break down so everyone gets it?

Remember Pinnochio? Well... he's started a company. Instead of being a 12 year old boy, he's now a "12 year old, debt free company"... insert nose growing sounds..."money back guarantee" ...more nose growing sounds...

Suuuure, we're gonna be on CNN, Discovery Channel! Santa Claus is the CEO, the Easter Bunny does branding, here's a picture of the tooth fairy on a yacht in the Bahamas... Give us your money, quit your job, alienate yourself from friends and family-- and if that doesn't work, we'll give you your money back.... just fill out these 12,000 forms, receipts and other impossible pieces of proof and we'll deciiiiide if we want to! But first, give us your credit card... we promise, *THIS TIME* it will work. Words of wisdom: Rub A LAMP- you have better chances of getting an honest genie. I'd put 10 bucks on the Genie/Lamp deal, but all my credit cards are tied up with P.A.S., sorry.

Prosperity Automated System vs. Rubbing a Lamp for successes? Here is a quick break down so everyone gets it?
I still don't get it, could you be more specific?

scooter parts

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