Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Can anybody help me with my retainer problem??

I used to wear braces. When I got them off I then had to wear a retainer. one of the clear plastic retainers. I was really good about wearing it for several months.....that was 3 years ago. I am now regretting my decision to not continuing wearing it. looking at me you wouldn't say that my teeth are messed up, but i see pictures of when my teeth were straight and i feel self concious and think "man my teeth were perfect". I still have my retainer and I was wondering if i should try to mold my teeth back into it. I know it will be painful, but I dont want to go get another retainer or braces because I am a broke college student. however, the ends of the retainer have kind of warped because i used to pull them off with my tongue. I am afraid to go to the ortho and ask for the same mold of retainer because he always lectured me. Does anyone know if the ortho would even have my mold on file or would be able to make a mold of the retainer? any insight would be most appreciated!!

Can anybody help me with my retainer problem??
Your orthodontist most likely does not have your model on hand since it was several years ago. You can try to wear the retainer although it will be painful. If you can not get it in do not force it! Your teeth may have shifted too much to wear that one and you will either need a new one or to consider more orthodontics to realign your teeth. However, if they look good then I would recommend just getting a new retainer, even if you have to get a lecture.


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