Friday, October 23, 2009

Yorkie owners!?

Okay. What food do you feed your yorkie?

I have had my dog on 10 diffrent foods. She lasted a week on each. Then I found Royal Canin Yorkie formula. She eats again. Shes been on it for months. It's made for the yorkie, it stimulates appitie, helps coat, helps lower stool odor and helps teeth.

I love my yorkie.. Pictures..

Pitbull much?


Bone.. Bone.. Must have it!

Favorite picture

She sleeps weird

Is she cute or what?

Yorkie owners!?
My little guy gets Eukanuba. But I was just told by my dog trainer that I should switch to Nutro. I'm looking into it.

LOL!! My yorkie sleeps like that too! I cant believe that! Do ya think it's a yorkie thing or do other dogs sleep on their backs too?
Reply:i dont have a yorkie but your dog is SO CUTE! how old is she?
Reply:she is darling thanks for the information
Reply:She's a cutie. I can't really tell you what I feed my Yorkie because I don't have a Yorkie lol... No offense but I'm more of a medium-large type dog person. I don't mind cuddling a Yorkie but I would much prefer something bigger that can handle a lot of hard work. Yours is absolutely adorable though!
Reply:I had a problem with my Yorkie eating grass. Then I switched him to Purina's Healthy Morsels, the kind with the green veggie pieces in it. He no longer eats grass.

By the way, adorable Yorkie!! How big is she?
Reply:I have a Yorkie and I too feed him Royal Canine but I feed him the miniature puppy 33 formula. The reason why I don't get the one that is specific to the Yorkie is because I have another puppy and she is a Peke Poo and they eat together. So far as I have heard form 2 vets and a pet shop owner, Royal Canine is the best one for Yorkies (the one you are feeding her).
Reply:Shes very cute!!! I feed my Fergie(yorkie%26amp;mix) Science Diet.
Reply:I feed my yorkie the same stuff until he had gastritis twice for unknown reasons. Because of the gastritis he vomited and had diarehhea for a few days and then just stopped eating. He was hospitalized twice so my vet thinks it because he has a sensitive stomach so we switch to Royal Canine Special 30 (for sensitive stomachs) and he's been perfectly healthy ever since. As I read up on gastritis, colitis and other digestive issues with yorkies I sometimes wonder if he had salmania poisoning from unclean surfaces or not properly cooked dog treats. Anyways, I love Royal Canine and think it is a great food. And I'd like to say "I'm in NO AFFILIATION with the company" so there - I'm not a paid spokesperson.
Reply:Royal Canine

my cat

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