if you believe in evolution, then explain why there are no missing links. i know you will say that there are missing links but if you really do some research and don't just go by what your liberal teachers tell you, then you will see that there are not any definant missing links. there are just a bunch of fossils that people find and then say they are missing links. for example the Nebraska Man, scientists found a single tooth and had artist draw full pictures of Nabraska Man, based on only one tooth! the pictures looked very convincing but they later found out that it belonged to a peccary, which is a certain type of pig. wow, thats so evidence for evolution.
Question 12 for atheist?
If these are the best "reasons" you can give for evidence of Gods existence, it's no wonder you feel your faith is threatened.
See here for transitional fossils/missing links:
Look at the link Will provided for a good explanation of Nebraska man. I doubt you will look at any of these since you are already "convinced." What amount of evidence would convince you?
You are making this too easy. Why have you not answered any of my questions for creationists? Do you not have an answer?
Reply:Evolution is not necessarily atheistic. And, if you go online and look it all up, it really all does fit together.
Reply:if you do your research, you will find that many many transitional fossils have been found. if you choose to ignore facts because they threaten your faith, thats your problem.
Reply:Question 1 for you: Where is the physical proof god exists? Do not say look around you. I need hard, cold, physical proof. You cannot do this.
Reply:Ooh, wait. Are you an evolutionary scientist? A paleontologist? No? Then why should I believe you? There's far more evidence of evolution than there is of your magical man in the sky controlling everything. Honestly, it's people like you, who can't just leave those of us who choose not to believe alone, that make me hate religion.
Live your life and let me live mine.
Reply:How do you know for certain that there are none? Just because you say it, doesn't make it so, as evidenced in your non-question.
Reply:the missing links die out because they are not adapted for survival in the conditions the higher evolved creature can survive. Therefore only fossil evidence remains.
Reply:One piece of evidence turned out being false, ergo all pieces of evidence are false?
Reply:So, how's this line of questioning working out for ya? Get any converts yet?
Reply:Here's a better account of "Nebraska Man"
Reply:Where to start!
You need help and you need to be educated very quickly!
You have been brain washed in the most severe way!
You are in danger of wasting the only life you'll ever know by following a set of beliefs designed:
a) to keep you from ever really learning anything about this earth on which you live
b) to keep you in the place you are in right now
How to Escape:
1) Read Bill Bryson's book: "A Short History Of Everything"
2) Get a pair of binoculars. Please note that the moon is round and so is the earth. The light from the nearest star (the sun) took 8 minutes to reach you! The light from the nearest star took light years!
3) Think about the bacteria on your teeth! The you that you think of as you is an illusion. You are made up of many parts. There are millions of creatures inside your stomach that are no longer "millions of creatures" but part of you! You are a composite of millions and millions of creatures!
God's image indeed!
Reply:You are being sarcastic and arogant to science! How can YOU prove that God did all this? Well, when is he now when the number people that die every year is groing so fast? Where was he when my country, my city was atacked by by NATO?
People make mistakes, that doesn't make scince stupid!
Reply:Only one creature in about 10 million dies in exactly the right conditions to be fossilized. Of those, we've discovered less than 1%; the rest are buried too deep under layers of rock or ocean. The fact that something hasn't been discovered yet is NEVER a valid scientific argument.
Also, quite a few fossils have been found that are somewhere between man and ape. The "missing link" is actually meaningful to only a handful of anthropologists and paleontologists, but creationists have latched onto it as though it were somehow proof that evolution is wrong. It isn't.
In reality, nothing will ever be found that will satisfy creationists, because you have already made up your minds about what is true and what is false. That's fine, I don't really care what you believe. Just stop pretending to be interested in scientific evidence.
You want me to explain to you how archeologists got "lucky" enough to find some fossils? Explain to me how people get "lucky" enough to win the lottery! There are a lot of archeologists doing a lot of digs at any given moment. Many of them find nothing interesting. Some do not find what they are looking for, but find something else instead. What has been found has been used by paleontologists (who have devoted their lives to unraveling these mysteries) to show a progression from something that dragged its knuckles to something that did not.
If you don't understand this, or think you know better because the Bible tells it differently, that's fine. Nobody is forcing you to accept evolutionary theory unless you want to be a paleontologist. But claiming that there is insufficient evidence for such a progression is as absurd as implying that finding fossils is too unlikely to occur.
Reply:Do you ever notice how the evolutionists never get around to answering the questions? They either attack you personally or turn around and ask you questions. Never do they come back with any proof.
P.S. Do you live in SW MO? Cause you sound just like a guy I know.
Keep up the good work! God bless you!
Reply:You are cool for questioning the scientific evidence of a scientific theory.
Shouldn't this question be for all of mankind, and not just atheists.
I'm not an atheist, I'm a gnostic druid neopagan (I have no idea what that means.)
So yes I see your point about no missing link. So thats why good scientists are out looking for it.
When I was a boy I looked in a book on science and it had all these animals and arrows and at the bottom left was a one celled organism and at the top was a human and there were all these arrows.
Throughout my life I've read in science magazines about how there are new findings that alter that page.
The point for me thus, to not committ to any specific timeline or arrow pointing for everything from between the one cell and the human.
Between the first life and the Sean I'm certain of my mother, doctors can verify. I'm supposing with a DNA test I have 50% of my fathers DNA. (Yes somehow there is this statistic about 98% I have with a chimpanzee).
Anyhow, I think to attack the science of evolution is terrific. And yet, in doing so, there will be an answer from the scientific community, the search for truth will reveal, that indeed, man did evolve from a common ancestor with the ape.
That 98% of the DNA for me, that pretty much puts the check in the evolution column. Thats me. Thank you.
Reply:You are right in claiming that we do not have as many transitional fossils as we would like to have, but we do have many. Within the past couple of months information regarding Tiktaalik, a "fish" with lungs and legs has surfaced. Is that transitional enough?
Creationists keep returning to the same tired hoaxes and mistakes made by scientists in the mistaken belief that just because some theories have fallen apart or had bad science behind them that all scientific inquiry is faulty. That's just poor thinking.
Add to that the fact that not even the most faithful young-earth Christian can deny microevolution, and you'll see that we may not have the answers yet, but we are getting there.
The most important thing is that we are looking. It's a big world. Just wait.
Reply:so if man cant come from apes. than why do other animals evolve into the current day animals? it dosent make sense that only animals evolve, we evolved too! and can you prove Gods real?
Those are only a few links to claims that are similar to yours and completely destroyed. This has nothing to do with a liberal scientist. Anything AGAINST evolution is from a theological extremely biased fundamentalist, or someone that simply doesn't know better.
PLEASE look up whatever claim you attempt to make in question 13 if that ever comes up on the follow website BEFORE posting:
It has plenty of links to other evidence explaining many details that you tend to ignore.
Almost forgot! Some of the claims you make were made about 150 years ago by people doubting Darwin. I recommend you read (all of) Origin of Species. If not, at least look up some key words of your claims or read the chapter on "Difficulties on Theory" (and no, that doesn't mean there are difficulties, merely that he refutes any possible difficulties by rigorous explanation of facts and evidence). You can either buy it, or even read the whole thing online (this means you can even do text searches for specific strings): http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/pdf/Or...
Reply:Pig's DNA is extremely close to that of a human. Did you know that the DNA of a pig makes it an ideal candidate to produce insulin for our worlds diabetics? A slight modification has the pigs keeping us alive. Amazing! Pig cells have already cured a type of diabetes in rats. It's only a matter of time for us humans. If there were no evolution, how come these pigs have very similar internal organs as we do?
Reply:Strawman argument. Evolution is a fully-formed theory with or without "missing links." Such arguments show the questioner's true ignorance of what evolution is. It is *not* movement toward higher or perfect forms. It is simply adaptation to environment. We could possibly be a "missing link" between chimps and whatever comes next. You really need to pick up a textbook before you spew out yet another one of your ignorant questions.
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