Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Can you draw a picture of God, show it to someone else and have it correctly identified?

Because.... I'd bet £20 that you can't.

Now... think about this.

You could draw a picture of the Easter Bunny.... and the most deviation you would get is "rabbit" or "rabbit with eggs" or "funnily coloured rabbit".

You could draw the tooth fairy.... and the strangest response you'd get would be "winged person collecting teeth".

Draw Santa... and just about anyone in the western world would correctly identify it.

Same with a dragon.... pretty much...

There are plenty of folks out there who could identify a Griffin, Chimera or Manticore as well.... and the rest would simply claim they didn't know.

Now try drawing a picture of God.

Compare it to the next person's picture.

See if either of you could actually identify without prior knowledge what the other one had drawn.... and the responses could be anything under the sun.

I strongly doubt anyone has the slightest clue....


.... Who wants to believe in THAT?

Can you draw a picture of God, show it to someone else and have it correctly identified?
Badger claws are made for digging; not for art.

We're practical; not poncey.

But if one of you humans could accurately draw the great Seytnurr... any Badger would recognise him.

Any other god? You'd have a bit more trouble there.

The old Egyptian human gods were easily identifiable. Some of the Norse ones too. The Greek / Roman ones not quite so much. The Abrahamic one? No hope.
Reply:How do you draw a picture of something that doesn't have a physical appearance? You are succumbing to a logic fallacy known as Ignoratio Elenchi (Irrelevant Conclusion).

Ask 10 people to draw a picture of air, wind, love, saddness, anger, an atom, etc you will get a variety of depictions.

Even worse, you use examples that would actually refute your point.

"Draw Santa... and just about anyone in the western world would correctly identify it."

Draw a picture of Jesus and anyone in the western world would correctly identify it. I guess you argument is meaningless then.
Reply:I'll take that bet.
Reply:LOVE LOVE LOVE U R loved he is u and I
Reply:Sure. I'd just draw him wearing a "hey, I'm God" t-shirt.
Reply:Only if I could get them to lick the backs of the toads first.
Reply:Well since I have a Native American Indian heritage. Yes, I could draw a picture of the Creator and show it to someone that believes in the old way of our Ancestors and they would recognize it.
Reply:(laughs out loud) I could draw it, but my portrait would look like Keanu Reeves.


Reply:I can't draw worth a flip.

that's for picking on me.

Reply:I can't even draw a stick figure and have it identified as... a stick figure...

So,... no!
Reply:Believing as I do that God doesn't have a form, as he/she/it is a force and not a personality, no, I couldn't draw you a picture.

But how would you draw a picture of friendship? Maybe your best friend? If you show that to someone else, it will be meaningless to them unless that is their best friend as well. God is too highly personalized a construct to have a universally accepted depiction. Each person believes/experiences God differently.
Reply:I do! I want to believe in God. God is Love. It's the Power of Love - and it works through us. It's pretty easy to believe in Love.

But - you're right - I can't draw a picture of Love.

And yet - I can talk about it. Communicate about it. No need to draw pictures because most of us have brains that allow us to communicate at a higher level!!

Reply:Here is an interesting artistic rendering of the Trinity:

Reply:Impressions of God are never the same, because God is a theory made up to explain the unknown.

Therefor, the will of God and the nature of God are all subjective, so different types of people worship different God's. Some are loving, some are merciful, others are judgmental and jealous. God doesn't exist, an is therefore undefined universally.

Does he have six arm or a white beard? Neither, he is an emotional crutch that is based on myth.
Reply:Actually, I'd bet I could draw a picture of an old guy in a robe surrounded by a bunch of clouds and most people would call that "God" though it would depend on their culture. I might not get such a positive response in India.

So I think you're probably wrong about that.
Reply:God's love is the same for everyone. I'd draw a heart with a cross in it.

But any God that can be drawn on a piece of paper isn't a god worth worshipping, in my opinion.
Reply:I always thought that was the cool thing about God - since he's invisible and a spirit creature, each person can visualize him how they wish. They can visualize an old man with a long white beard - or even a woman in a white robe.

The difference is you are asking people to draw mythical creatures that were created by man - and therefor have many books and images after themselves - unique characteristics that define them physically.

How can you define or picture God when he is not flesh?
Reply:i must say, middle aged white guy with white beard, and surrounded by clouds, probably would be identified as god....

or you could draw a picture of morgan freeman
Reply:I would not serve a god I could draw a picture of!

Why, you ask?

Because God imagined me and not the other

way around!

God is supernatural and too complex for someone

to draw on a mere 2-dimensional sheet of paper!

Any god or fairy tale creature I could draw would

be a myth for the very fact I could draw it and it

would be recognizable to so many!
Reply:The closest I could come to that is trying to draw a picture of Jesus.

This guy is quite good at it:


Jesus Christ is how God showed us his heart.
Reply:i can-it would be a picture of a lovely woman-naked-smiling and looking willing and most people-at least most males and some females would take one look and go OH GOD-----enjoy the day and remember what is important
Reply:I'll try to draw God the way I feel He looks but I have to be honest, I've never seen Him, I've only felt His amazing grace and love I can draw that, but I can't draw His image until I've seen Him.

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