Sunday, March 14, 2010

Underbite correction options?

I have spoken with my orthodontist several times about this matter he says my jaw is finally done growing so we can discuss correction methods for my underbite. It's very small, not noticible unless I smile very very wide. A couple of years ago he told me I had three options: live with it, surgery, or have teeth removed.

Now if I had surgery, I'd have to get braces back on for 9 months before and after. Is there any way I can have it without braces (maybe invisline (sp?)) The reason I don't want braces is I had them for 2 years when I was younger and now I'm an upperclassman in high school and I want to have prom, senior pictures, etc. without them.

Also, I'm curious about the tooth removal option. Can anyone tell me more about this?

I just met with my orthodontist and hadn't thought to ask these questions, so if anyone could clear these up for me before my next appointment (June) I'd be very grateful! Thank you!

Underbite correction options?
As far as using Invisalign to correct an underbite rather than surgery and back to braces, it will not work. Invisalign is designed for people who just need a couple of crooked teeth straightened out. It sounds like you have a skeletal issue, rather than a crooked teeth issue. Tooth removal instead of surgery is like a smoke and mirrors approach. They will allow you to look like you do not have an underbite, but braces are involved b/c once the teeth are removed, you have to close the gaps they leave behind. Usually they remove 2-4 first premolars. If it is only a slight underbite and you are ok with it, why put yourself through surgery/braces or tooth removal/braces. If you absolutely want it corrected, the tooth removal option is a lot easier than surgery. Talk out your concerns with your orthodontist and he can help you figure out what is the best option for you. Hope this helps and good luck! =)
Reply:Just be sure to get the surgery sometime. It helps a ton! Report It

Reply:My sister just had jaw surgery like a week and a half ago. It went very well! You have to have braces for the surgery though. My sister got her braces off for her senior pictures and got them back on afterwards. Now the problem is for you is that if you want to have surgery, the full recovery time is one year. That's quite awhile. --I'd recommend this one though.

It's not always the best solution to get rid of teeth. The best thing is to always keep as many teeth as you need. It may help, but it's not a very good option.

DO NOT JUST LIVE WITH IT! I swear my sister is soooooo glad she got the surgery. She's so happy! You don't want to live your whole life with a malocclusion. (bad bite) It's not such a good idea.

--Hope this helps. =]

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