Sunday, March 14, 2010

Get braces or dont get them ???

Get braces or dont get them ?

Im very insecure about my teeth. Theyre not extremely crooked, but yeah they are crooked. My friends say they dont notice, and a few people who already notice still say I have a great smile. Im not boasting, but Im not bad looking. However, my looks dont makeup for my teeth so at times I feel unconfident. Should I get braces anyways ? Im 18 =/(pictures included)

Note: please must check my other pictures link in my website.

Get braces or dont get them ???
If your dentist thinks you need braces.... you need braces. There are "invisible" braces that will straighten your teeth without making a "metallic statement" every time you smile. Check with the doctor who would be putting the braces in place. It is much better to have braces on for a short period of time than to have terrible dental and possibly serious health problems....and bills!!!! ..... for the rest of your life. A bit of "inconvenience" now pays off in the long run.

If you need braces get them.
Reply:I'd get braces (as long as they don't buldge out of your mouth, or stick out of your mouth)
Reply:Get them. you will feel more confident and it is better for your health.
Reply:braces are SO worth it at the end - an i only ha mine for a year! they are Perfect!!!
Reply:Have your wisdom teeth come in yet? I had braces, my wisdom teeth came in and moved everything back. I wish I had waited until after having them pulled as I would like to have straight teeth now but am not willing to go through what I've been told I would need to in order for that to happen.
Reply:get them , they can get worse as you grow older and you are not going to want fake teeth
Reply:If you are insecure about them, then I say go for it. Braces are no longer a guarenteed two years. Some people get them off sooner, especially if their teeth aren't that bad to start with. You are 18 and sure, they aren't exactly going to be great to have, but they aren't all that bad either. A year or two with braces could equal a lifetime of self confidence.
Reply:Since you are only 18 years old I say if you have the money to pay for braces go for it! You have many years ahead (wear seatbelts and don't drive drunk) to enjoy looking your best. Good luck!
Reply:If you are not happy with your teeth I would recommend getting braces because if you don't you may regret it later. I wore braces for three years when I was a teenager and after I had my wisdom teeth pulled I had a space open back up several years later.

I hated the way my teeth looked but I did not want to wear braces again and everyone kept telling me my teeth looked fine and that it was not that noticeable. Well it still bothered me. I lived with it for about five years and I finally decided to get braces again for the second time. I'm so glad I did. I wish I would have gotten them years ago. So don't keep putting it off. Just go for it!!
Reply:I have braces right now.In August i will have had them on for two years but it only feels like 6 months you never feel any pain at all.and my teeth have straightened out so much.I would definitely say get them.You say that you think your pretty good looking so why not go the extra mile and add your teeth to it.! it will all definitely be worth it in the end i think. There are alot of my friends that have gone to the same orthodontist that i have gone to and there teeth look amazing. go for it! -I wish you luck-

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