Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Custody battle really long but plz help me?

This is LONG..

I was 16 and this guy was 15 (he told me he was 16) Thats my Daughters so called "father" his name is Marc. We met and I went on a rebellion streak and moved out of my house where I was living with my mom and her boyfriend and into an apartment where him and his mom and dad were staying. His mom left her husband, marc's dad, for Marcs uncle, his dads brother, We all moved into a house, Marc started doing drugs, I became pregnant, Marc started working for this guy named Rick , I think he was selling drugs for him but I dont know for sure, Anyways..Marc's uncle started acting funny towards me, I would catch his staring at me and he was just creepy, so Marcs boss told us he owned a duplex building and we could stay in one of the little duplexs, this place was horrible. It had no locks on the windows, holes in the doors where anyone could reach their hand and unlock it completely, it had roaches, rats, opossums, for the first week I stayed there it had no electricity the whole time I stayed there it had no hot water. I was there for a few weeks and MArc started acting WEIRD, He would come home all doped up crawling on the floor, I would ask him what he was doing and he would say I am picking up dirt, I am a neat freak, there was NO dirt on the floor. He would accuse me of doing meth screaming it's all over the walls, he would come home and pass out on the couch or on the bed, then eventually he just stopped coming home. I moved out as soon as he saw someone breaking into our bedroom window. which I still to this day dont know if its true. Anyways, I moved back with my mom and stayed there for a few weeks before Marc had to take another UA cause he was on probation , he failed it with meth,heroine and marijuana..Tonya Marc's mom had a bright idea of me going to live out with them in what I would later find out was In The Middle Of No Where, TX. So marc wouldnt get sent to juvi here.We went and moved with His cousin Johnny her Wife Tammy and they had a son together. Marc ended up taking a bunch of vitamins and drinking a gallon of water and passing his last pee test and so they let him off of probabrion and his drug use just got WORSE..The whole time they treated me like **** and they sat around and did nothing but smoke weed.. They ended up cleaning out this shed like thing that literally used to be a barbershop. I stayed in there for I guess a month or two until Tonya finally decided to go back to San Antonio where I came from. On the way there I was in the middle of screaming to death from a horrible kidney infection. I got to the hospital and had to stay there for days I found out I was having a girl and the Marc had left even though the nurse told him we were going to do an ultrasound to guess where..RICKS.. I went and lived with my mom and only once did Marc ever call this was our conversation


Marc:"Yes Stephanie?"


MArc"Hows the baby?"

Me:"fine..Where are you?"

Marc: hangs up the phone

I then moved across town to a bigger apartment with my mom her bf and my brother. I had my daughter November 15th of 2005. My dad shortly after told me Tonya, marcs mom, had been calling him. I called her, she seemed happy that I had the baby but I didnt speak to Marc even though he was there.

When my daughter Mikalla was 6 weeks old I met my now fiance Adam, He had a son too who was 2 at the time and Adam was great with Mikalla, she was colicky and he was the ONLY person who could put her to sleep.

When Mikalla was about 3 months old I brought her over to the house that Marc was staying at with his mom and dad. I waited for hours, he called and said he couldnt come because he was going to look at a car with Rick. He asked if I could come back tomorrow and I said yes. I came back the next day and he never showed, never called, nothing, never called the next day to give me an explanation. I left. I ended up getting pregnant again this time by Adam, he just asked too much from me and I couldnt take it so I left him and moved with Tonya to a place 5 hours away. I stayed there with her and her husband and like 3 other strangers, there was too much drama and I just wanted to be with my family. Marc showed up and the whole time he was around he never payed any mind to My daughter Mikalla, and if he did it was while I wasnt around. I ended up moving to my brothers and living there up until I was about 6 months pregnant I offered many times to let them come to my brothers house and see Mikalla but the only thing they wanted to do was take her back to where they live that was over an hour away. I had no transportation or anything so I said no because if something bad were to happen I wouldnt be able to be there for her. They got so upset and offended they called and started yelling at me and the whole name calling and it was ridiculous. I then moved back to san antonio to be with Adam again, we lived together, had our son together, we are getting married soon, everything was going great until The Attorney Generals Office told me I had to file child support or else my daughter couldnt be on medicaid. So thats what I did. Then my mom told me that Tonya was calling and leaving messages trying to get ahold of me she also said she spoke with Tonya and Tonya told her Marc has a girlfriend now whos name is Candi remember that name youll see it again soon..and that Marcs new girlfriend was pregnant. so I was doing a little snooping and found a Candi from the same Livingston Texas where Tonya was calling from that had Due September 18, 2007 on her headline,I sent her an email asking if she was marc g/f and she never responded for weeks so I asked a few people that went to Livingston HighSchool if any of them knew her and they told me her name was Candi King and she had a baby in the toilet at school and she dropped out and they havent seen her since. So I looked Tonyas number up on the internet stupidely and called her hoping she wouldnt be such a ***** but the only thing she wanted to do was cry to me about how her dad died and he didnt get to see Mikalla, I let her take Mikalla to see him before he passed away and he refused to see her is that my fault? no. She thinks it is though. she cried to me about how she lost her daughter, Her daughter was 18 she was handicapped could see couldnt move or anything. I never got to meet her daughter but I will tell you her name is Candy, yes the same name as Marc girlfriend. Marc told me that when he was younger, he saw his dad, havind sex with his own daughter. Marc told his mom, she didnt believe him and its not like his sister could say anything about it. Marc was almost crying when he told me that, and so I knew it was true. Anyways, I spoke with Tonya and she asked if she could come see Mikalla just her and Danielle which is just some girl my age who has known tonya for a long time. I told them yes but then I forgot that I had a wedding to go to the weekend they wanted to see Mikalla, it was my brothers wedding and it was out of state. I told them this a few days later when she called again and she started crying again, but before she called back MArc called me and asked if he could see the pictures of Mikalla online which i later found out was just for his mom to see, I was like WTF then I checked my Myspace and she had responded with this...

yeah we are about to get married and have a son ... why do u want to know? well anyways how is his daughter doing? what does she look like? but anyways me and marc are happy and about to have a son ... how do u know me tonya said you know me but i would like to know how... well talk to u later





So I wrote herback and said this

No hun, I don't know you, I have friends that went to Livingston School and know you, I was trying to get ahold of Marc to tell him about the attorney general. By the way Congrats on the baby, and I am glad that you and Marc are doing good. Yeah, I am in the process of moving in with my fiance, As soon as he has a day off of work and we can find a sitter for the babies we're gonna go downtown to get our marriage license. Mikalla is doing good, she getting big, getting lots of teeth.. I would take my profile off of private for you to see some pictures but I kinda have some stalkers.

Then Marcs girlfriend calls me back asking if they could come see Mikalla here at my house and I was like NOOOO cause Adam would kill me. she then went onto saying that she was a better parent than me and yadda yadda even though she gave her child up for adoption and is only pregnant while I have been raising two kids this whole time. Me and her got into an arguement and she ended up hanging up on me so I called back and was going to tell Marc not to have his girlfriend call my phone anymore and instead his dad answered the phone and said if I called back one more time he was going to file "phone harrasment" on me and I would be talking to their attorney soon. So me being stubborn called back and told them that I have 20 missed calls on my caller ID from this number so dont make threats to me..I knew it was being recorded but didnt care..so then I decided to stop talking to them and Tonya calls back and I get someone to answer the phone and say that I was here. Marcs girlfriend levaes me a message on myspace again saying this

well thinks for screwing up the only chance for marc to see his little girl.... and u should stay the hell out of my biss cause it is none of your biss... u said u would let us see mikalla and now u want to be a butt and not do it thanks alot steph.. and intil u can grow up and let tonya and the **** family have pics of mikalla u need to quit calling the house cause i am not going to let u talk to marc.... u really hurt my man nad my inlaws and now i have to fix that thanks ... and i hope u are happy....




and I responded with this

And who is this "WE" ****? I only told Tonya and Danielle they could. No one else. I'm not worried about a thing, Mikalla already see's Adam and starts crying "Dada!" Marc may be her little sperm donor but he will never be her daddy. Wow, and you actually think that I am going to care if I don't get to speak to Marc? Marc is **** to me. He's nothing. I don't need to know your business, everyone freely tells me. Last I heard you were the laughing stock of the school you were attending.

I don't know why you actually think you are someone, just because Marc lets you run all over him you think you are Miss Boss now? Why don't you get out of Hilly Billy Hell and be apart of the real world. You have no say so if Marc pays child support. They take it out of his check. You have no say so when it comes to my daughter because your not her parent. It's betwwen me and him. Its called co-parenting. For someone who is suppose to be such a mature parent and adult, you don't know ****.

Then yesterday they called again but I didnt answer the phone. I go to court on the 6th and they said I have to go or else they will put a warrant out for my arrest, I can't let my daughter go 5 hours away with a complete stranger(a stranger to her) she cant go to the grocery store with me which isnt a mile away without getting car sick and thowing up everywhere much less over 300 miles. I dont know if he still does drugs, I dont know if he still smokes a pack of cigs a day inside the house along with his mom and dad. I cant let my daughter inhale that much smoke, I cant let my daughter be in a house with a possible child molester. I dont know what to do. I want to just move out of the country because I cant willingly hand over my daughter to this asshole and let my daughter be exposed to his life style not to mention that Adam has been raising her as his own for the past almost 17 months, marc has never spent a penny on her, adam has bought EVERYTHING for her. He hasnt asked about her except when she ws still inside my uterus. I hav NO IDEA what to do, I have to fight but I dont know any of the legal crap, I cant afford an attorney, I am writing this at 6am I have been up all night every night with insomnia because I cant stop thinking about it. I am so confused. I just need advice or help, I dont care about the child support I care about the well being of my daughter and he is NOT whats best for her.

Custody battle really long but plz help me?
Ok first. Way too much Information.

If i finally got down to your question... it's how do I legally keep my crazy ex sperm donor away from daughter...

Go talk to Child Protective services. You can file for child support and during the hearing ( all of which the state will pay for. Your attorney and everything) the court will establish visitation or you can petition for no visitation with the judge. Seeing as he has a past criminal record and record of drug abuse it shouldn't be hard to restrict his visitation with the child.

All you have to do is contact child protective services or the department of human services and they will help you.
Reply:first thing you need to get your life back on track

your boyfriend is a big jerk and you need to have someone adopt a baby just get away from your boyfriend Report It

Reply:May I ask why you are breeding? This whole damn story is rediculous. It is like Days of Our Lives. I think every child involved should be taken away. None of you seem fit to raise kids.
Reply:you are right that is very long. You need to do some thinking before you go to court. Child support and custody battles are never pleasant. They are going to bring up everything that you have ever done. You need to do alittle growing up your self. I know that sounds very harsh I did to when i first had my son. You didn't have your mind made up when your and Marc child was in the proccess of being inside of you. You would leave and then come back and live in living situatioins for a short period of time that were very unhealthy for you and a child. It sounds like you have made your mind up on who you want to be with now. Adam is a good person for raising your child even though it isn't his that can be very hard to do so give him props. It isn't all about who can buy things for them yes they do need things and they are very expensive but it is all about love. You do need to let (Marc) see his daughter if he wants to. When you have him pay child support that will be one of the rules that you have to let him have her on some holidays and on weekends sometimes. When you go to court they are going to bring that up that he wants to see her and you won't let him. I understand that he isn't perfect by any means but they are going to bring it up. Marc is her father weither you like what he is or not. She has a right to know who her biological father is. I know that this sounds very harsh but you and marc made your child together and you said earlier that it was called co-parenting well then you need to let him do that too. For the girlfriend you knew what you were doing by trying to contact the girlfriend and you must have some feelings for marc if he wasn't in your alls life and you went trying to get his new pregnant girlfriends scoop who you didn't know and you aren't part of their childs life either. I am not sure in the state of texas for sure but in most states you don't have to have child support to be on medicade. They are going to bring up every financial situation that you yourself are in and your new boyfriend. You are in for a long drawn out battle. This thing may not be decided in a court appearance one time. It may take a couple of months and be prepared to be insulted in court and hear things that you may not want to hear. I am trying to warn you I deal with this kind of stuff every day. For advice you need to leave his girlfriend out of the picture and only deal with Marc. If he calls or their number calls find out if it is him on the other end and if so listen to what he has to say. If he wants to come and visit her then you let him and if Adam has a problem then you need to think about that too. Adam needs to understand that you and marc have a child and marc is going to be a part of your alls like good or bad. You need to show records and proof that you are willing to make an effort to let marc see his child and then they can't hold that against you in court.
Reply:Please you guys stop having kids!!!!
Reply:Do the world a favor, put the kids up for adoption and get yourself sterilized. You are waay to immature to be having children and way to involved with screwed up people that should all be forcibly sterilized. Sounds like the whole crew are poster children for the human Spay/Neuter program. Disgusting and pathetic.Those poor kids, they have my pity, too bad they will most likely end up in the same situation as they grow up.

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