Thursday, March 11, 2010

Anyone have a probs with their veneers?

I got veneers in June 2007. I am about to have them redone for the 3rd time. The adhesives keeps seeping through the teeth and gums. Does anyone, by chance, know why this happens? It's driving me crazy. They always show pictures of people with their pretty, straight, white teeth, but I have yet to experience that with mine. These cost me $3000.00 and I want them to look good. Thanks!

Anyone have a probs with their veneers?
How many teeth did you have done? Because Vaneers are about $1000/tooth. If you paid $3000, like they say, you get what you pay for. Maybe your dentist did a bad job.
Reply:Veneers for 3000 dollars? That can't be right... maybe for one tooth.


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