Thursday, March 11, 2010

Why does my digital TV picture go mental ?

Everytime my wife brushes her teeth with her electric (battery powered) toothbrush, the picture on the TV (which is downstairs) goes mad. How can this happen??

Why does my digital TV picture go mental ?
we have the same problem when the boiler comes on, i know its a pain it drives me mad, and were told that some digital boxes are sensitive. Have you tried using it in a different room??? i know this is a pain but worth a try, we moved the TV and it made a difference good luck
Reply:Where's your aerial?

If it is in the loft, get a booster and connect it at the aerial. That way, the signal to noise ratio will be greatly enhanced and you'll get less interfrence.

Unfortunately, anything that has a motor in it will generate an RF field that may be being picked up by the aerial or coax.
Reply:There are a variety of reasons, and it depends on HOW you get a digital TV picture! Cable? Broadcast? Satellite?

If Broadcast, then the EM (electro magnetic) energy emitted by the toothbrush is to blame, and your antenna will pick that up.

If it is sat or cable, I have no idea.

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