Have you tried to google pictures of saddam? have you ever asked yourself why the man on trial has a beard? Saddam never wore a beard.Not only that but if you take a good look at all the pictures on google you can see by his teeth that the man in jail is only a fake.Just take a good look at his teeth.Iraq has the best dentist on the planet.Saddam, being the President would have the best dental care in the Nation.If you look very close at the teeth of the man who is supposed to be Saddam you will see for yourself that he is a fake.Law enforcement in the United States uses teeth to identify people all the time.Google all the photos of Saddam when he was the President of Iraq and then ask yourself did they hang a fake saddam?
Did they hang the real Saddam Hussein?
Reply:I think they hung him and all his look-a-likes.
Reply:Yes. they did. Now he can go to hell to start a relationship with Satan.
Reply:No...that was a shape-changeing creature they broke out of Area 51.
Reply:Likely yes he's gone.
Reply:Yes he was hung around 9 central time last night.
Reply:you know they hung a fake 1. His money is too long to go out like that
Reply:they hang him
Reply:U mean its a fake? Now that'd be scary.. But i doubt it. Its highly publicised..
Reply:fake Saaddams=More hangings
Reply:No, I don't believe they hanged the actual Saddam Hussain. You are correct in thinking it may have been a look-alike. I believe that the real Saddam made a deal with authorities and has been exhiled from the country to live his life in Brazil or elsewhere and he gave all his riches to the government in exchange for this.
Reply:it should have been Noel Edmund`s going to the gallows.
Reply:u may have a point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:I never did believe they had the real Saddam Hussein.
The man was captured by a bunch of Kurds, and placed in that hole, which was locked from the outside.
Then the Kurds called the U.S. military and told them where they could find him.
The U.S. military took credit for capturing him, and I believe they got an imposter.
Saddam had many look-alikes and the man that was hung was probably just one of the martyrs that gave his life for Saddam.
Reply:stop worrying they did
Reply:Wasn't he sent to jail on November 5? Maybe some people beat him up there and screwed up his teeth. Plus, people tend to grow beards in jail as well... I know i can grow a beard in a week or 2.
But you could also be right... there are probably a lot of look-a -likes with plastic surgery these days.
Reply:Why Brazil it is a very hot country
Reply:yes it was him.
Reply:I am sure they will take your advice
Reply:Nope , they hung the real Saddam..
And let the conspiracy theories begin !
Reply:Conspiracy theorists.. I love you guys.. Ya'll are so nutty and out there that you make things interesting. I'm guessing you also think 9/11 was fake and that we never landed on the moon, too?
Thanks for the laugh :P
Reply:Don't u think that they made sure they had the REAL saddam before they hanged him. nice theory though! Now he can rot in Hell happily ever after!!
Reply:This is to Jay...
Stop badmouthing the conspiracy theorists. Just because they stop and think doesn't make them nutty. It's people like you that make our world bad. It's time everybody wakes up and takes concern into global issues that can affect us and our generations to come. I love this country, but just because i believe that 9/11 was a fake and the real Saddam Hussein wasn't captured doesn't make me a terrorist. Our leaders are the terrorists. The world should stop blaming a religion for all the bad things that are going on in the world. If a Christian goes and blows up an abortion clinic, we don't blame the Christian religion and label all Christians as terrorists. Go to your local Islamic Center and learn about the Muslim religion. You'll be surprised of what you hear. Do your research before you start spreading false info, and yes, your president and Larry Silverstein did authorize the death of thousands of people on September the eleventh. Learn to accept it you hillbilly retarded sped.
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