Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nick Jonas' Smile?

Does anyone know why Nick doesn't smile with his teeth? I haven't found one picture with him smiling with showing his teeth. Is it because he doesn't like the smile showing his teeth or what? If you have seen a picture with him smiling with his teeth please show it to me!



P.S. I used the word teeth a lot in this question!

Nick Jonas' Smile?
I don't know why he doesn't really smile showing his teeth but I managed to find some pics of him showing his teeth. Check it out!!!
Reply:nick doesnt smile with hims teeth bcus the 3rd tooth from the center is crooked

i saw it in a youtube picture

search 'a day in the life of the jonas brothers'

and in there somewere (its 8 mins. long)

he smiles with his teeth,

im positive.

;; lea
Reply:idk is it cuz he shy

but i agree w/ love nick jonas much that his teeth is crooked

but im not sure
Reply:yes he does
Reply:Well one of my posters in my room shows him smiling with his teeth. I think he might be self-conscious about his teeth, but I don't think he should be, he's still cute
Reply:he used to!!!! not anymore though!!! i personally think it's because he has a broken heart(poor guy)!!!!! awwwwww he's so cute!!!! i miss his smile!!!! like i said i think it's due to his borken heart.... not unstraight teeth.
Reply:lol the teeth thing

and alot of people dont like smiling allthe time with their teeth i'm 1 of them but now i days i've idk evolved? to teeth smiling

but teeth or no teeth he still has a nice smile

well nothing is wrong with Nick Jonas' teeth.

but here is a crap load of teeth pictures.

I may have put a picture in twice =/

Reply:i think its becuase he kinda has big teeth in the front not huge buck teeth but their a good size you can see a pic with him smiling with his teeth on the cdvu+
Reply:I was just wondering that too!


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