Thursday, March 11, 2010

What was this candy called?

I used to get these out of those candy/bubblegum machines (guessing) back in the late eighties to mid-nineties. They were hard candies, round, basically jawbreakers about the sizes of those really big bubblegum balls.... I can't remember if thy were sour or super-sweet, but they came in grape, apple, and I think lemon/banana and cherry...but they weren't coated like regular jawbreakers, they had kind of a sandy, sugary texture if you scraped your teeth across them and bit down. The picture on the vending machine often showed pictures of fruit, and the fruit might have had eyes and/or faces....

Does anybody know what the heck I am talking about?

What was this candy called?
Either Gobstoppers, or Jawbreakers?
Reply:I think I know like a giant sweet tart they disintegrated faster then jawbreaker or gobstoppers I don't know the name of them either but I still see them at candy stores
Reply:I know what your talking about, i dont know the name of them but u can't just buy them at the store, but i know they sell them at my local mall in a store called sweet treats, i would a bigger candy shop to find them.
Reply:Sour Fruit Balls
Reply:I think they were call sour patch.
Reply:sorry im not old as u
Reply:I kno EXACTLY wut ur talkin about cuz I luv them and they kind of like dissolve like smarties do but they are sweet and sour if ur really thiink abboutt iitt

sooooooooooorry i couldn't be much help MILEY CYRUS U ROCK!!!!!
Reply:OK they were kinda like Sweetart candy balls, but the sweethearts taste the same .... does this help?
Reply:i know what ones your talking about...

but sorry i don't know the name of them...

good luck on your search....


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